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e-Mail πελάτη

DataMax's e-Mail Client is a software tool, which has been specifically and exclusively designed by DataMax News in order to maximize the News Service retrieval for our customers. Its sole purpose is to make the News flow totally:

1) Automated
2) Unobstructed
3) Costless

How does it Work?

Let's first clarify that our e-Mail Client only receives our News e-Bulletins and ABSOLUTELY nothing else, like spam mail, viruses etc. After a very simple installation on a PC on the Station's network (usually the PC that connects to the Internet and gets mail), we set up the program's parameters from the Edit -> Parameters screen, giving the connection details (id, password etc.) and then we give the folder/directory from which our On Air automation program loads and plays the e-bulletins from, for example D:\Music\News.

After setting everything up, the e-Mail Client goes into Scheduler mode and it receives automatically the email from DataMax News that contains the MP3 attachment (NEWS.MP3, SPORTS.MP3, WEATHER.MP3 etc) on the specified times performing this cycle:

Connection to Internet... (in case of dial-up connection) Retrieval of email, from DataMax News, containing the e-Bulletin Attachment... Saving of the e-Bulletin Attachment to the specified folder/directory... Deletion of the email from the email server... Disconnection from the Internet... (in case of dial-up connection)

The cycle repeats itself at the next specified time/run.

It's obvious that DataMax's e-Mail client is an essential tool that ensures the radio station with always receiving and playing the latest e-bulletin without the need for human intervention or presence!


Our Story

We are counting 14 years of strong and dynamic presence in the Greek radio sphere. Our clients are more than 250 radio stations in Greece, Cyprus, USA and Australia.

DataMax News has been a leading company in the field of radio station news productions, since 2003 when it first implemented an exclusive idea for producing pre-recorded, news e-bulletins in MP3 format which were automatically made available to radio stations.

Our team of journalists collects and edits news from Greece and the rest of the globe, sports news, news from the fields of banking and finance, health and science, culture, weather, showbiz etc...

Top Stories

We welcome you in the brand new DataMax site radically redesigned and more user-friendly!

Our new site, which is also an online shop, introduces a completely new approach to our products and services since we now offer different packages of news bulletins, with varying cost, that combine information with entertainment. You can now choose the package that suits your radio station best (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).

What is more, we can now lower the cost even more if you extend your subscription duration (3, 6 or 12 months); the cost reduction can even touch 75%!

We also allow you to acquire/subscribe to individual (item) bulletins e.g. only news bulletin, or only econews or econews and sport news etc. tailoring the combination of news bulletins or simply adding e-bulletins to your basket and choosing from the  subscription options of 3, 6 or 12 months and benefiting from the cost reduction!